Valuing the consumer voice in research
SMHS understands that high quality research projects and outcomes are achieved when consumers and researchers work in true and genuine partnership.
Consumers can be involved in all levels of research, from providing advice and feedback to co-designing and leading projects.
The South Metropolitan Health Service Consumer Involvement in Research Framework 2024 gives SMHS consumers a voice in research while supporting researchers to develop meaningful, relevant research which values these perspectives.
The framework was developed in collaboration with consumers and researchers in response to feedback including:
- consumers wanted to support SMHS research, but didn’t know how to participate
- SMHS researchers genuinely wanted to involve consumers in research but did not know who to consult with, nor how to coordinate that consultation.
Read the Consumer Involvement in Research Framework 2024 (PDF 5.4MB) and learn about:
- different types of research and research methods and methodologies
- the benefits to both consumers and researchers of consumer involvement
- the many ways consumers can become involved in research
- how we support consumer involvement, including the SMHS Consumer Bank Fund and SMHS Research Consumer Registry
- the researcher journey.
For additional context, the SMHS Consumer Involvement in Research Workshop Outcomes Report (PDF 396KB) offers an in-depth look at the planning, execution and outcomes of the consultation process that formed the basis for the framework.
Connecting consumers and researchers
To support researchers in connecting with consumers, SMHS developed the SMHS Research Consumer Registry.
Via on online form (external site), consumers interested in becoming involved in research can:
- register their name, contact details, and areas of research interest.
- consent to being contacted by SMHS researchers for research purposes.
Researchers who have requested access to the registry may then invite relevant consumers to become involved in their project.
Consumers who accept an invitation to be involved in research activities are paid for their time in line with SMHS policy.
Researchers can request access to the registry (external site) or email the SMHS Research Governance Officer for more information.
Funding to kickstart research projects
Established in 2024, the SMHS Consumer Bank Fund finances consumer involvement from a research project’s early stages.
In line with SMHS policy, the fund supports SMHS researchers to involve consumers in research studies in two areas:
- research grant applications.
- investigator initiated research studies supported by Specialties internally.
Researchers seeking more information are asked to email the SMHS Research Grants Coordinator.
SMHS Research Consumer Advisory Group
The consumer-led SMHS Research Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) has 6 consumer members and will:
- lead consumer involvement excellence
- provide expert advice on research involvement
- shape a research culture in line with the SMHS Research Strategy 2023–2033 (PDF 1.7MB), particularly the 'Community' and 'Support' pillars.
More information
Contact us
Researchers seeking more information can email the SMHS Research Governance Officer.